
Friday, October 23, 2015

Brooke and bike riding/birthday parties

So, it's official.  Brooke has learned to ride a bike without training wheels.  I am so proud of her!  She has been practicing in our driveway for just a few weeks, and has ventured onto the sidewalk and can ride up and down the sidewalk for a while without losing her balance.

I can't believe my baby is growing up!

'Tis the season for birthdays.  Taylor turned four, Brooke turned seven, and Carter will be six in about a week.  We had a great party for the kids.  Back in September, Taylor had a My Little Pony Theme.  Last weekend we had a party for Brooke and Carter.  Brooke's theme was Monster High, and Carter's was Clash of Clans/Star Wars.  They got lots of great presents, and we are truly blessed with a great network of family and friends. 

I know that I normally don't post about me or Brian.  But, I have to say....I am a very lucky girl.  Last week, Brian surprised me with tickets to see Dirty Dancing at the Kentucky Center for the Arts.  I have seen that movie about 6,000 times, and was ecstatic to see it as a musical.  Brian was a champ, and suffered through the entire thing without falling asleep :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Skating party

So we took the kids to their first skating party for Norton last night. Man, was that an adventure!  Brooke had some friends there and wanted to skate with them, so I let her venture off on her own, watching from the other side of the rink. That child spent more time on the ground than she did standing up. But, I was so proud of her. She got up every single time and tried again. She wanted to keep up with her friends. She wanted to have fun. The dedication that girl showed last night amazed me. 

This was Carters first time skating. He did pretty well and liked to stay on the carpet where it wasn't as slippery. He did get out onto the rink quite a few times. He took it nice and slow, and spent the least amount of time on the ground. 

Taylor. Well, Taylor was Taylor. She wanted to be out in the middle of all the action with the rest of the skating party kids. I have to say, I was impressed. She could barely stand up when I was holding her hands when she was skating. But once she got the skate guard, she took off. Half way around the rink before I could catch up to her. She did great!  She could make it all the way around the rink without falling...and she was quick. 

After it was all said and done, Brian and I were exhausted, but the kids had a blast. I would call last night a success for all of us. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Three years?!? Whaaaaat??

So, it's been about three years since I have last posted.  Man, have things changed. 

I couldn't bring myself to read a lot of the posts....yet.  I can't wait to go back and read all of the things I wrote about Brooke and Taylor.  But, to be perfectly honest, it's going to be hard going back to read the other memories.  Not that  I miss them, but that they were such a big part of my life back then....and now that part of my life is gone.  Just gone.  Again, not saying that like it's a bad's just...different.  I love my life today, and am completely and utterly happy and wouldn't have changed a thing. 

I thought about changing this blog's name, and maybe I will.  I have no idea who subscribes, who has looked for this BlogSpot, or who will ever come across this.  I am writing this for the kids....and now I have a new child to add to this.  A wonderful five year old step-son.  More on that later. 

I did read the last post.  And most of it was true.  I said that I would be writing more on the blog, but obviously that has not happened.  Here's my second attempt at doing it again :)  What I did write about the kids, and being the best mother I could be, was entirely true.  I really wish I would have kept this blog up, but a lot of things stopped me from doing it.  Again, all personal.  Now that my new life has begun, I feel like I can pick this blog back up and use it as a place to document all the things about the THREE kids.  A place for them to look back on, a place for them to read when they get older. 

So....moving on to today.  It's three days before Taylor's FOURTH birthday.  I wrote in the last couple posts about having to watch out for, was I right.  She is a spitfire, and I wouldn't change her for anything.  That child makes me laugh, and will make me go gray at the same time.  She has officially had a concussion - completely knocked unconscious about a year ago.  Scarred the living heck out of me.  Immediately took her to the hospital....was probably the scariest day of my life.  Now, we are dealing with a really deep cut in between her toes that she got from our recent trip to Nick's parents lakehouse.  She ran up the boat ladder, and cut herself between her toes.  It's pretty nasty.  Anyway....more about our general life. 

So three years ago when I wrote the last blog post, I had moved into my house on Hickory Cove.  It was a good house.  Three bedrooms, two bathrooms - ranch.  The girls had their own room, and my bedroom was on the other side of the house.  Nice fenced in back yard, with a two car garage.  Needed no work whatsoever. 

Mine and Brian's relationship continued to grow.  Wait, what?  Brian?  Brian who?  I have never once mentioned Brian in a previous blog post....for a reason.  I wasn't sure where we were going to end up.  I didn't want to put it out on the internet for all the world to see, not knowing where we would end up.  Well, guess where we ended up?  Married!!!!!!  We got married on 9/21/14 - almost a year ago.  And even a lot has happened since that point.  We moved into a small condo - the five of us - in a two bedroom, two bath condo.  It was so much better than I ever thought it would be.  The kids were fantastic in that place.  We moved into that condo because we decided to build a house.  I still can't believe that I actually pulled the trigger and built a house.  But, this's more than I ever imagined.  More than I ever dreamed of.  It's beautiful inside and out.  And the people who fill it and make it home are even more beautiful. 

Let's start with Brian.  He's hard to put into words.  The feelings I have for him are hard to put into words.  The only thing I can use to describe our relationship is passion.  We love with passion, we fight with passion, we raise our kids with passion.  I am so very truly thankful for him.  He knows me better than I know myself.  Scary at times, yes, but ultimately, the best. 

Moving onto me.  Not much has changed with me.  Growing stronger and more confident every day.  For better or worse ;)  But coming back to the person I was - the person I was truly meant to be. 

Now....Brooke.  Man, she's tall.  Really tall.  She definitely has her father's genes.  She still looks just like him - no doubt about that.  She is almost seven years old, and has lost seven teeth.  She is currently in first grade and is in Mrs. Davis' class.  She took her first test yesterday and scored 100% on 18 questions.  I am sooooo proud of her!  It's crazy that they are taking multiple choice/fill in the blank questions in the first grade.  She has a best friend that she has had since kindergarten - Brenleigh.  They are really attached at the hip.  Brenleigh is a sweet kid too, so I approve of this friendship ;)  Brooke's reading has really come a long way.  She needs to learn a little bit of confidence, but she's really doing great.  She is trying to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels, and is doing okay.  She's going to start playing soccer with Cecily soon - I think she will have long as she can concentrate on playing the game, rather than playing with Cecily :).  Brooke is still my thoughtful, loving, motherly little girl.  She is a great big sister to both Taylor and Carter.

Wait.  Who?  Carter?  Carter is my five year old step-son.  He has such an incredible imagination - always has - from the day I met him.  I was always amazed by that.  He is such a smart five year old.  He's doing division and multiplication.  He just gets math....and is so like his dad in that way.  He is also attending Norton with Brooke and is in Mrs. Galle's class - with 49 other students.  It was a little bit of a hard transition for him for the first two school....big friends.  But, now that he's been in there for a month, he's doing great.  Probably a tad bored, since he did the same thing last year at Vanguard, but he's taking it in stride, and doing very well.  Currently, he is in to clash of clans - big time.  Like obsessive....again, just like his father :)

Taylor.'s hard to describe Taylor.  She's smart, but pretends not to be.  She has a ton of common sense.  That child will be the first one to know that I am being sarcastic.  She's wild.  She will still climb up to the roof if I let her.  She has no fear.  I don't know where that came from.  I worry all the time.  I don't think that child has a worry in her.  She's going to be my problem child....I said this from day one, and I still think that's true.  She will be a lot of fun to watch growing up, figuring out who she is and what she will become.  She's the wildcard of the bunch, and I absolutely love that about her. 

Miscellaneous stuff.....we have a cat named Mia who is a year old, and a dog named Stella, who is a golden retriever who is almost 9 months old.  She was born on Christmas Eve 2014. 

I think that's all for now.  I am going to TRY....TRY is the key word update much more regularly now that life has settled down into a wonderful life....and for that, I am thankful.    

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Long time...big changes.

It's been a long time since I have posted, and the main reason is because of so many personal things going on in my life, I didn't want my blog post to be run by my emotions. I wanted to write with a clear mind. After all this time, I don't know if my mind will ever be clear after what has happened over the last few months. But, I am not going to let that stop me from creating beautiful memories for my children. This blog, after all, is about them...dedicating their memories. So, time to start new. Time to start blogging again.

So, today's post isn't going to dwell on what has happened in the past. Today's post is meant to be a new beginning...a new life for me and my two beautiful little girls. So, if anyone is out there reading this - know that this blog will continue. Just as my life will. Just as my girls life will. Our lives will continue with love and happiness. I will make sure to provide that for them.

So...lets talk about Brooke for a second. She is getting to be a little lady. She is still my little girly girl who fights me about what she wants to wear. She still loves dresses and skirts, but hates to have her hair brushed. She is in love with Doc McStuffins from the Disney channel. She says she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She is adjusting fairly well to all the changes in her life. She has a pretty bad case of separation anxiety, and I am trying my best to ease her fears. She lights up my life and makes me smile every single day. Her imagination is blooming, and I love to watch her play. She loves doing school work right now. So we play school at home. She can write her own name all by herself. There are so many hopes and dreams I have for this little girl...but most of all, I want her to be happy...every day of the rest of her life. I know that's unrealistic, but isn't that every parents dream for their children? I love watching her personality continue to develop, and I want to help mold and shape ways that neither of us know we are doing.

Lets move on to little monkey. She is continuing to keep me on my toes. That child has three speeds: fast, faster, and sleeping. She is so much fun and smiles all the time. She loves her mommy and won't go to anyone else when mommy is around. She likes almost all food, and is a good eater, but not like Brooke was at that age. Taylor is almost running, she climbs up and down on all the furniture. I swear, she would climb on top of the roof if I would let her. She's still not talking much...well, really at all. But she loves to read picture books. She will point at a picture and I will say the word. She can do this for twenty minutes at a time. She makes doggy sounds, and says 'dat' when she wants to know what something is. She follows direction pretty well, and loves taking her socks off. One of my favorite things she does is when I am going to put her socks on, she lifts up one foot...and I can tell its difficult for her, but it's the cutest thing in the world to me. Taylor wants to do everything that Brooke does. They do play pretty well together, but Taylor is definitely the bully of the two girls. Taylor is going to be a feisty one - future boyfriends watch out!

Expect some much more regular posts from me. I want to make shorter posts about cute things they say and do. I am looking forward to sharing my new life with you.

In the meantime, say a little prayer for us. Pray that I can be the best mom I can for those two little girls. Pray that those two little girls will overcome the cards that life has dealt them in the last year, and evolve into two beautiful women.

Monday, March 26, 2012

New Things!!

Lots of new things since last post!!

Taylor has eaten carrots and will be starting squash tonight! So exciting ;)

Taylor's first day of school is today. That makes mommy a little sad, but I know it's a better thing for everyone. It will provide Taylor some time to play with friends and get acclamated to new people. She's really starting to have stranger danger, and I am hoping that daycare will help with that.

Another thing of guilt that I have been dealing with - is the thought of stopping breastfeeding. My goal was to do it for six months...which I have - she's not exclusively breast fed, but at least she still gets it. But now, my supply is so low that I am just thinking about, with her two teeth coming in - I think it may just be a wiser choice!

Brooke started soccer this past weekend, and did great! She was really aggressive with the ball and wanted to be right in the thick of things. She scored a goal for the opposing team and two for her team!! Way to go, Brooke! I think she had a pretty good time playing soccer as well.

Brooke has also had a few temper tantrums with me lately. I think it's because she is seeing other three year olds throw them, and she wants to test the waters with me - to see if she will get away with it. I stood my ground - although it was very hard, and I was fighting back the tears - but I refused to let her win. She hasn't thrown a temper tantrum with me since.

Brooke is also having daycare changes. She will now being going the same days as Taylor...just two days a week. I think she will adjust and do just fine with that.

Monday, March 19, 2012

March Madness

Well, not only is March Mad because of the NCAA tourney, but it's also mad because of all the new things going on!!

Let's see...where to start...

Brooke has officially started gymnastics again with her cousins Cecily and Ava. She has also started soccer. We had soccer orientation on Sunday, and it was a little hectic. I am not sure how one coach is going to get six little three year olds to all listen to one direction at one time. It's going to be an interesting...but very cute season.

I have also learned that I am a helicopter parent. I need to lay off Brooke a little bit and let her explore. She was outside playing with her little friend, Mary, yesterday and I was a nervous wreck. I was talking to the neighbors and she was playing on the sidewalk. I couldn't take my eyes off her - I didn't want her to cross the street...even though our street is a cul-de-sac and very little traffic travels down our way. We have tried to teach her that she is to look both ways before crossing the street, and that she has to hold Mommy's or Daddy's hand while crossing. I want to give her a little more independence as far as playing in the court is concerned, but I also want to make sure she is safe at all times. She also needs to learn the rules of playing. While I was talking to the neighbors last night, Brooke asked if Mary could come inside and play. I told Brooke that Mary had to ask her parents. They said yes. Brooke failed to inform me that they were going inside the house....but I was watching her move the whole time. She ran from Mary's house straight into our house. After she got there, I came in and had a little talk with her. I am just so afraid that she's going to wander outside with Mary one time and I won't know where she is. This parenting stuff is pretty hard :)

Taylor...well, Taylor turned six months old and had her check-up. She was 15.5 pounds and 26 inches long with her head circumference at 17 inches. That equates to: 31%, 48%, and 64%. She has already had peas and green beans and two little teeth are popping through right now. She's been a champ about sleeping - all the way through the night no problems at all...knock on wood. These two little girls are growing up so fast....I love it and hate it all at the same time.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

February Updates

Well, it's been a little while since I have posted - so I figured tonight is as good as any to post.

My little three year old baby girl is getting to be so big...I am trying to challenge her attitude of "I can't do it by myself" and encourage her to at least try. Sometimes it's much easier for me just to jump in and do it for her, but I think she needs to learn to do things on her own - like getting dressed in the morning. Once she accomplishes a goal, she is so proud of herself - but getting her to like the idea of doing something on her own is a very hard task. I hope to continue the trend of having her do things by herself and help her a little along the way.

She got into trouble at school the other day. Her teacher told me that she wasn't sleeping at nap time and when she asked Brooke to please be quiet, Brooke turned around, told her no, and then rolled her eyes. Right after the teacher told me that, I shot Brooke the "Mom" look. And then I thought to myself - oh no, now the teacher knows exactly where Brooke gets her dirty looks from. I admit - I am the queen of dirty looks....I do it without knowing I am doing it....and I hate it!!

Brooke still loves to help out as a big sister. Taylor is really lucky to have her.

We signed Brooke up for both soccer and gymnastics this upcoming term. She will be playing soccer on Sundays and doing gymnastics on Saturdays. I think she's going to love soccer!

I had to let Taylor cry it out the other night..she has been waking up in the middle of the night and wanting to sleep with me. I finally decided that she needed to sleep in her own bed all night long and decided that we would start last Friday. She cried it out for an hour and a half. I went up there every ten minutes during this hour and a half to comfort her for a minute. She finally fell asleep and has been sleeping through the night ever since. I am very glad...we are both getting a better night's sleep because of it.

Taylor is also starting to crawl. She has the army crawling down pat and can go across the room in no time...she's been doing that for a few weeks now. She is starting to get up on her knees and try to crawl. It's truly amazing...she's not even sitting up all the way by herself for long periods of time!

Ms. Taylor also has two teeth that are SOOOO close to popping through - they just won't poke thru the gums!!! I can't wait until they do.

I will update later this month to talk about Taylor eating baby food, crawling updates, and Brooke playing soccer and gymnastics!! I am so glad summer is coming so that we can go outside and play! I am ready for warm weather and excited about the time change this weekend.